J2WORK Blog STV Test

STV Test

Original Depth

Here the S3D depth with no shift parallax.

  • First image: negative parallax -30, positive parallax 2
  • Second image: negative parallax none, positive parallax 51(blue means warning)
  • Setting: Camera = Toed-in, IPD = Adult(63.5mm), Display = iPad, Blow up = none

Blue means you have to use this value for short time.
Red means this value make eye-stain or divergence.


First image

Non parallax shift

This image have no problem with any display. On top you can see depth volume.

Green line is maximum value that can be used.


Second imgae for iPad

Parallax shift -8

I shift parallax -8. I want to use maximum value without blue warning on iPad.


Second image for PC

Parallax shift -11

I change target display to PC(23inch). I shift parallax -11. Use maximum value without blue warning.


Second image for TV

Parallax shift -3

I change target display to TV(50inch). I shift parallax -3. Use maximum value without blue warning.

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