J2WORK Blog Article

Tag: Article

Hi everyone!

Dreams are meant to be lived.

“Dreams are meant to be lived.” – The Secret Life of Walter Mitty


We’re sorry. We didn’t post the news for a while.

Meantime we had a lot of  things to do first. Did you ever noticed that the developer’s name is changed?

That’s right! We have changed to a corporate account(J2WORK Co., Ltd) from a personal account(JUNSIK KANG).

We officially founded the company in the past month, has moved to a new office.

Now you can use a company name(J2WORK or j2work) to find ours app on the App Store.

And we went into the normal development schedule. We promise the continuous updates and developments in the future.

Thank you for your help.



First, We try to finish the development of “Cross Stitch Camera” for iOS 7. And next, we’ll update “I PIXEL U”.  We are doing it again because it’s not enough. Please be patient.


MacWorld article about Cross Stitch Camera


“Med Cross Stitch Camera förenar du korsstygn med modern teknik. I den här guiden visar vi hur du kommer igång med ditt första konstverk.”
“With Cross Stitch Camera connects you cross stitch with modern technology. In this tutorial we show you how to get started with your first piece of art.”

By Johan Wallén, MacWorld, Sweden

>> View Original Article in MacWorld < <

Thank you, Johan Wallén, for the good introduction.

AppAdvice article about Cross Stitch Camera

appadvice.com screen shot

article in appadvice.com screen shot

“Cross Stitch Camera will turn your pictures into detailed cross stitch patterns, but it also creates fantastic crafty effects even if you don’t want to stitch up your photos…   This is a must have app if you’re into cross stitching, but it’s also a great addition to the photo arsenals of picture editing enthusiasts.”

View Original Article in appadvice.com


Thank you, Juli Clover , for the good introduction.